2932 Lafayette St. [1]
Denver, Colo. July. 25 191_ [2] Dear Tait.Well the old show is closed— [3]
But Ill soon have a better one— And with different management.
You know who. [4]
I am allright. But while things are being reorganized I am going to see my Ranches hotels &c— in the summer. I have never seen them in the summer. [5]
Give my love to all— and tell them Ill be rolling soon— And to have faith in
The old Scout.2932 Lafayette St.
Denver, Colo.
Denver, Colo
Jul 25
530 PM
U.S. Postage
2 Cents 2
June & July [6]
John H Tait Oracle Pinal Co. Arizona
Note 1: The address on the stationery William F. Cody used to write this letter is that of his sister, May Cody Bradford Decker. Cody died at his sister's home in 1917. [back]
Note 2: Cody did not include the year in his dateline. The year 1913 is established by the postmark on the accompanying envelope. [back]
Note 3: Cody refers to the final closure of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Combined With Pawnee Bill's Great Far East in Denver on July 22, 1913. The local sheriff seized and sold the show's assets, ostensibly to satisfy debts owed to a printing company. [back]
Note 4: Possibly a reference to Henry Heye Tammen, co-owner of the Denver Post and the Sells-Floto Circus. Tammen is believed by some historians to have orchestrated the sheriff's seizure of the Wild West in order to break up the partnership between Cody and Gordon W. "Pawnee Bill" Lillie. Cody signed a contract with Tammen to perform with the Sells-Floto Circus, an arrangement that lasted through the 1914 and 1915 show seasons. [back]
Note 5: William F. Cody refers to his properties in and around the town of Cody, Wyoming. Due to his travels with the various iterations of Buffalo Bill's Wild West, he had not yet been in the town during the summer. [back]
Note 6: This notation is written in pencil on the left side of the envelope, perpendicular to the address lines. [back]