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  • Title: Letter from William F. Cody to George T. Beck
  • Date: May 9, 1895
  • Author: Cody, William Frederick, 1846-1917
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Col. W. F. Cody, (Buffalo Bill) President.
Nate Salsbury, Vice Prest & Manager.
John M. Burke, General Manager.
Albert E. Sheible, Business Manager.
Jule Keen, Treasurer.
Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World.


Col. W. F. Cody


Nate Salsbury


The Largest Arenic Exhibition known in History.


Season of 1895.
Staff of Jas. A. Bailey, Director of Tour.
J. T. McCaddon, Superintendent.
W. H. Gardner, Gen'l Agent.
M. Coyle, R. R. and Excursion Manager.
George O. Starr, Press Agent.
C. R. Hutchinson, Treasurer.
New York Office, No. 106 W. 37th St.

Dear- George

There is no telling where a letter will reach you. If you get this will you write. Would like to know about the Shoshone Co— allso about the horses at your ranch.

Please write.

Regards to all Bill

P.S. I am simply worked to death— but am getting there. Salsbury has been dangerously ill— [2]

You see Assay of Rushville is ready to take Indian & find mine [3]

Write him- [4]


Note 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Allentown, Pennsylvania, on May 9, 1895. [back]

Note 2: Very likely a manifestation of the illness that would eventually kill Salsbury in 1902. [back]

Note 3: James F. Asay (1854-1906) had been a licensed trader on the Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota, but lost his license in 1891 for selling alcohol on the reservation. He moved his business to nearby Rushville, Nebraska, where he continued to supply goods to Indian customers. William F. Cody was a friend of Asay and often used Rushville as a base for recruiting Lakota performers for Buffalo Bill's Wild West. [back]

Note 4: This line and Cody's signature in the postscript are written at an angle in the lower right corner of the page. [back]

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