The Buffalo Bill Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World.
Nate Salsbury, Vice-Pres't and Manager.
John M. Burke, . . . General Manager.
Albert E. Scheible, . . . Business Manager.
Jule Keen, . . . Treasurer.
Sep. 16th 95 My Dear Beck—

The Buffalo Bill Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World.
Nate Salsbury, Vice-Pres't and Manager.
John M. Burke, . . . General Manager.
Albert E. Scheible, . . . Business Manager.
Jule Keen, . . . Treasurer.
By Jesus if you fellows dont write me I will quit thinking of you. Heck of course never does write How I would like to see the dirt a flying on that ditch. get me a photograph of it—
CodyNote 1: BBWW performed in Cortland, New York, on September 16, 1895. [back]
Note 2: "Hillsberry" refers to Laban Hillberry (or Labin Hillsberry), a prospector who was looking for investors in a water development project in the Big Horn Basin in 1893 when he met George Beck. Hillberry encouraged Beck to explore the potential for diverting water from the South Fork of the "Stinking Water" (Shoshone River) to irrigate the area. Beck then sent Jerry Ryan to evaluate the country for him; Ryan's report encouraged Beck to seriously consider the Big Horn Basin. [back]