The Buffalo Bill Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World.
Nate Salsbury, Vice-Pres't and Manager.
John M. Burke, . . . General Manager.
Albert E. Scheible, . . . Business Manager.
Jule Keen, . . . Treasurer.
Oct— 6th 95 My. Dear— Beck.
I must give German. Colony
[2] managers an answer. If you have the funds how many acres can you irrigate or have ready to irrigate for next year. if you finish to Sulphur
[3] this fall & cant work through winter can you commence early enough next spring on the ditch. and finish up enough to open up some of the country East. So that farmers can raise a crop next summer? If so about how many acres can you have ready to irrigate. Will the frost be out of ground so you can build ditch in April? if so you will have April & May to build ditch. giving farmers water first of June. Knowing the land as you do how many acres can you get water on by first of June. I want to begin to Advertise at Atlanta. Get some one to write it up get some photos taken. Send it at once to my
paper. Duluth Press.
[4] And tell my editor J. H. Peake to get it out at once and send it to me. Lets begin to advertise Before Foote
[5] knocks us out.
Hurry up George. And have it written up & photos taken—
BillNote 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Wilmington, North Carolina, October 7, 1895; there was no performance on Sunday, October 6th. [back]
Note 2: The "German Colony" refers to the fifty or so German migrant families that were planning to settle in the Big Horn Basin. [back]
Note 3: "Sulpher" probably refers to Sulphur Creek, a natural streambed west of Cody, Wyoming, that flows north toward the Shoshone River along the base of Cedar Mountain. [back]
Note 4: The Duluth Press was purchased by Cody for his sister Helen Cody Wetmore and her husband Hugh Wetmore. The paper was initially edited by John H. Peake. [back]
Note 5: "Foote" refers to Senator Robert Foote, a democrat and state senator representing Johnson County, Wyoming. Foote led the effort against the Carey Act in Wyoming. [back]