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  • Title: Letter from William F. Cody to George T. Beck
  • Date: October 16, 1895
  • Author: Cody, William Frederick, 1846-1917
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The Buffalo Bill Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World.

Col. W. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill), President.
Nate Salsbury, Vice-Pres't and Manager.
John M. Burke, . . . General Manager.
Albert E. Scheible, . . . Business Manager.
Jule Keen, . . . Treasurer.

Dear Beck
I wrote you a long letter yesterday. What brings this so quickly after the other. I understand the Atlantic Exposition is a failure & I am prepairing to close Nov 2d if I do we will all be out there by Nov 15. You said we would go in from Billings. [3] let me know how far it is from Billings And all about it as Alger has been there. I presume you have all been together & have the muddle about Town Site [4] fixed up. It ought to be in shape by the time we get there so as to please the men who will put up the money. You bet I am going to be pinched for cash my self & by the way I have the balance of that note to pay for Heckart and for the time those teams of ours work give me credit for So you wont have that to pay out in cash. Say George I find too many Foremens names on  


The Buffalo Bill Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World.

Col. W. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill), President.
Nate Salsbury, Vice-Pres't and Manager.
John M. Burke, . . . General Manager.
Albert E. Scheible, . . . Business Manager.
Jule Keen, . . . Treasurer.

that statement you have more Foreman than working men. Heck is drawing pay for Foreman And we can play no favorites. In this fight of hours if he cant get up and attend to business He will have to be let out. Dont keep a man you dont need. We must make a showing when these men get there or our gig is up—

Now George— make every man jump to his work— & stick to it. have you ordered the lumber for headgate?


I have recd Samples of beautiful building rock & gypsum

Note 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Charleston, South Carolina, on October 16, 1895. [back]

Note 2: The year is not inscribed by Cody but is 1895 as determined by the Routes List. [back]

Note 3: Billings, Montana, would have been one of the two closest links to rail lines from Cody, Wyoming; the other was Red Lodge, Montana. [back]

Note 4: Cody, Wyoming. [back]

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