P. Yegen & Co. Size 100 x 130 Feet
Cash Department House
Groceries and Provisions
Hardware, Cutlery, Stoves
Dry Goods and Carpets
Agricultural Implements, Wagons
Clothing and Men's Furnishings
Harness and Saddles
Boots and Shoes
Furniture, Crockery, Queensware
Wholesale and Retail
I will be down tomorrow and will have much to say to you regarding our co. As you left so suddently I felt sure matters of importance had been neglected. So I pulled my self together And went back to Marquette with a clear head. And found as I feared, that nothing was being done on business principles. And so I took charge and let Peterson [2] a mile of that hardest work. brought the teems in from the Logging camp put all teams to work I could get a hold of— as Hans [3] had one six mule plow to work and just one Scraper— Found nothing in order No harness in repair No double trees. Nothing to work with. Every thing laying around loose. I am about through with Mr Flood [4] — will See you tomorrow. and talk it over—
Yours as ever— W F CodyNote 1: En route to Cody, Wyoming, and likely provisioning in Billings, Cody inscribes this letter to Beck on letterhead from "P. Yegen & Co. Billings, Montana." Christian and Peter Yegen emigrated from Switzerland in 1879 and 1881, respectively. In 1882 they relocated to Billings and opened their store selling all types of provisions to ranchers and settlers in the surrounding area. [back]
Note 2: "Peterson" is unidentified. [back]
Note 3: "Hans" is unidentified. [back]
Note 4: "Flood" is likely "D. P. Flood" who corresponded with Beck in 1896 and is mentioned by Cody in 1896 letters to Beck. Cody writes directly to Flood on May 22, 1896 (CSS00485) regarding poor treatment of Cody's livestock. Flood's association with Cody is not fully known, but Cody states he is "...about through with Mr. Flood." [back]