Col. W. F. Cody, (Buffalo Bill) President. Col. W. F. Cody Nate Salsbury
Nate Salsbury, Vice Prest & Manager.
John M. Burke, General Manager.
Albert E. Sheible, Business Manager.
Jule Keen, Treasurer.
Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World.
The Largest Arenic Exhibition known in History.
Season of 1895.
Staff of Jas. A. Bailey, Director of Tour.
J. T. McCaddon, Superintendent.
W. H. Gardner, Gen'l Agent.
M. Coyle, R.R. and Excursion Manager.
George O. Starr, Press Agent.
C. R. Hutchinson, Treasurer.
New York Office, No. 106 W. 37th St.
I wish you would write me c/o Annex Audtorium. Hotel Chicago And tell me how the work is progressing. what time you expect to finish to Sulphur Creek. [2] and if you have money enough. what time you can finish so as to put water on the 25000 acres. have you tried the graders? hope you have mooved away from Marquette. Is Rumsey still there. has he paid in the $5000 for his Brother [3] ? Hope you and Rumsey took up the Townsite [4] what are you doing about Townsite Say George. Frank Gourard [5] Said he was to bring fifteen teams of horses from your ranch for him. Also that I could have some hogs from your place. If so send Frank an order for them to Sheridan. These questions I have asked of you will be asked me when I get East. So please answer at once.

Col. W. F. Cody, (Buffalo Bill) President. Col. W. F. Cody Nate Salsbury
Nate Salsbury, Vice Prest & Manager.
John M. Burke, General Manager.
Albert E. Sheible, Business Manager.
Jule Keen, Treasurer.
Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World.
The Largest Arenic Exhibition known in History.
Season of 1895.
Staff of Jas. A. Bailey, Director of Tour.
J. T. McCaddon, Superintendent.
W. H. Gardner, Gen'l Agent.
M. Coyle, R.R. and Excursion Manager.
George O. Starr, Press Agent.
C. R. Hutchinson, Treasurer.
New York Office, No. 106 W. 37th St.
________ 1895
I have to day recd wires from Mondell [6] and Burke [7] that President [8] will sign contracts Monday 23d. I go to Cheyenne tomorrow to consult with State Land board [9] & Meade. And do all I can to hurry matters there. Get up Water bonds for Nagle [10] — Recd wire from Alger that he would ship Samples of grain to Nagle What did you do about Seed for Nagle and our selves? If Nothing. why not write Alger to attend to it. Nagle and party he says will leave Chicago Apr. 15 18 th Billings. leave Billings 19. arrive on their lands 25 th Can you have water in Ditch for them? With all my work and worry I have got to go rehearsing and jump into a hard summers work. A tired man— But I wont care. If I dont have to bear the blunt of bad management on that Ditch. So for Gods sake George— Keep things straight there.
Yours BillNote 1: Cody overwrites the imprinted 1895 with a handwritten "6" indicating the year is 1896. [back]
Note 2: Sulphur Creek is a natural streambed located west of Cody, Wyoming, flowing north toward the Shoshone River along the base of Cedar Mountain. [back]
Note 3: Bronson Rumsey's brother was Laurence Dana Rumsey, Sr., 1849-1917. [back]
Note 4: Cody, Wyoming. [back]
Note 5: Frank Gourard: Cody misspells the surname of Frank Grouard. [back]
Note 6: Mondell is likely Frank Wheeler Mondell (1860-1939) who served in the House of Representatives from 1899 until 1923. He came to Wyoming in 1887 and helped develop the town of Newcastle along with oil and coal interests. Mondell was chairman of the Committee on Irrigation of Arid Lands for the 58th and 59th Congresses. [back]
Note 7: "Burke" is likely John M. Burke, though it is possibly Carlton Burke, a foreman working on the Cody Canal. [back]
Note 8: "President" is likely a reference to President Grover Cleveland, whom Cody was hoping would soon sign over the lands for settlement in the Big Horn Basin under the Carey Act of 1894. [back]
Note 9: The Wyoming government body overseeing the Carey Act was the State Land Board in Cheyenne. [back]
Note 10: S. V. Nagle, an associate of the firm of F. A. Nagle Commission Merchants of Chicago, attempted to recruit settlers to the lands in the Big Horn Basin that were to be irrigated by the Cody Canal. [back]