Ralph Kitchen, Manager.
The Paxton, Omaha Neb.
Mead leaves Cheyenne tomorrow to go and consult with you if we ever needed his services it is right now to examine and approove of our ditch and give us an estimate on both propositions North & South side. and allso help getting arround or through those red bluffs
[1] where we take the water out of Sulphur creek.
[2] I would suggest that he be allowed to go over the accounts & see what the work so far has cost. The amount of lumber needed and the prospect of getting it So he can give a full report. And with his re-
Ralph Kitchen, Manager.
The Paxton, Omaha Neb.
_______ 189__
Will you send to Red Lodge [3] for him and give him what assistance you can so as to hurry his report.
Yours W. F. CodyPS. George Dennis Cunningham has a man here who says he Knows how to put those graders together & run them. he wants $2 00 per day & board. if you want him write Dennis.
CodyNote 1: Red Bluffs is a hill formation to the south and west of Cody, Wyoming, that stands out among the mountainous formations due to its red color. [back]
Note 2: Sulphur Creek is a natural streambed located west of Cody, Wyoming, flowing north toward the Shoshone River along the base of Cedar Mountain. [back]
Note 3: Red Lodge, Montana, lies 65 miles north of Cody and is the closest rail line to Cody, Wyoming. [back]