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  • Title: Letter from William F. Cody to George T. Beck
  • Date: May 19, 1896
  • Author: Cody, William Frederick, 1846-1917
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W M Russell Allen, Prest.
J. W. Wallace, Sec'y & Treas.


Woodward & Tiernan Prt'g Co. St. Louis

The Southern
Absolutely Fire Proof.
Henry C. Lewis, Manager.
St. Louis,

My Dear Beck
I wrote you yesterday. That as there was no one to put up any cash but Salsbury and myself. And that we can get no report from you what you are doing or the debts you have contracted or what you propose to do. And as we hear that everything at that end is being run on such carless business methods. We ask you to go very slow and beg of you to give us a full report. Now Beck to be brief. I ask this as President of the Co.— and coming from the rest of the members of the company  

W M Russell Allen, Prest.
J. W. Wallace, Sec'y & Treas.


Woodward & Tiernan Prt'g Co. St. Louis

The Southern
Absolutely Fire Proof.
Henry C. Lewis, Manager.
St. Louis, __________ 189__

and we demand a business reply.
Very truly yours W. F. Cody

Note 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in St. Louis, Missouri, May 18-23, 1896. The day's entry in the 1896 Route Diary: "St. Louis, Mo. / Tuesday, May 19. Weather very bad—rained hard all morning. There was a severe electric storm that lasted from 7 until 11 P. M.; it put the arena in a frightful condition. The storm did us no harm, only from a business standpoint. We wondered that anyone came. Nate Salsbury returned to Chicago to-day. Johnny Baker made quite a hit in his act, when he stood on his head in the mud. "When the weather gets bad and the mud gets deep  And things are not coming our way, Anderson will quietly make a sneak,  And go back by the horse-tents and pray, "He will go away back of the bronco tent,  And kneel down by a bale of hay; On bended knees and with upturned eyes,  This 'old circus man' will pray. "He wants fine weather on all mud lots,  And on all sand lots he prays for rain; We all feel safe when Anderson prays,  For he never prays in vain." [back]

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