Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders. Col. W. F. Cody. (Buffalo Bill), President. Nate Salsbury. Vice-President & Manager.
of the World.
John M. Burke. General Manager.
Albert E. Sheible, Business Manager.
Jule Keen, Treasurer.
July 7 th 96 My Dear Beck
When in Chicago Millis a co [2] was some $2.700. You said you had paid $500 on it. And you had $1,200 co money you said you would pay on it on your return It appears nothing has been paid and the bill is $3.000
Can you explain this?
I wrote you that Yegen [3] says the co owe him $1000 since April & May. this you did not mention in Chicago. Can you in any way list the different amounts the co owes and give them to Mr. Alger & Salsbury so I can find out what the co owes— And in some way try and protect our credit.
Yours truly W. F. CodyPS. I write Alger & Salsbury by this mail e to try & get you to do this—
Note 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Springfield, Ohio, on July 7, 1896. The day's entry in the 1896 Route Diary: "Springfield, Ohio. / Tuesday, July 7. Arrived in town at 5 A. M. Two-mile haul to lot. If ever Anderson prayed for still weather he did to-day. We could not get a stake down over twelve inches anywhere and the least wind would have blown us down, but with our usual good luck we came out all right. Refreigo Carrello, a Mexican, was thrown in the grand entree to-day; his left shoulder was badly hurt and sprained and he received a lot of small bruises and was badly used up. Master-Mechanic Dan Taylor left to-day for Columbus, Ohio, to get the grounds ready for our next Monday's engagement. / Business at both performances good. / Lot, Columbus and Isabell streets. / Arena, 182 x 368." [back]
Note 2: "Millis co" is a wholesale and retail company established in Red Lodge, Montana, in 1887, by Orville E. Millis (1857-1935). [back]
Note 3: "Yegen" is the Red Lodge, Montana, mercantile, P. Yegen and Co., from which supplies were purchased for the irrigation project. [back]