Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders. Col. W. F. Cody. (Buffalo Bill), President. Nate Salsbury. Vice-President & Manager.
of the World.
John M. Burke. General Manager.
Albert E. Sheible, Business Manager.
Jule Keen, Treasurer.
Sep 3d 96 My Dear George—
What will the people at Irma [2] do for water when the ditch is not running this winter. Will they not have to have cistern? If so had they not better be built this fall. I know thats their look out. But they should be told and warned. And persuaded to build them. Same for the Town. [3] Let me know if you are providing for these things— And had thought of it— Anxiously waiting to hear how long it will take you to get around bl red bluff [4] & through rock work with present force— and if Trego [5] is going to finish up from there to Town.
Yours Col.Note 1: BBWW performed in Green Bay, Wisconsin, on September 3, 1896. The day's entry in the 1896 Route Diary: "Green Bay, Wis. / Thursday, September 3. Arrived in town at 3.30 A. M. One and one-half mile haul to lot. The weather turned very cold to-night—the coldest day of the season. There was the largest concert house this afternoon that we ever had—every reserve seat was taken, and George Fursman smiled as we have never seen him smile before, and even "Pop" Rasey was pleased. / Business, big in the afternoon, fair at night. / Lot, Webster avenue and Polier street. / Arena, 190 x 408." [back]
Note 2: "People at Irma" are those who were to settle in the Irma Flats area, named after Cody's daughter and located in the upper South Fork Valley. [back]
Note 3: The "Town" officially became Cody, Wyoming, in August 1896. [back]
Note 4: Red Bluffs, a hill formation to the south and west of Cody, Wyoming, that stands out among the mountainous formations due to its red color. [back]
Note 5: Charles Trego (1856-1925), a personal friend of Cody's and foreman for both Scout's Rest Ranch in North Platte, Nebraska, and the TE Ranch in Cody, Wyoming. [back]