Minneapolis, Minn.
Bleistein Rumsey both write me they cant do a thing. I wrote you a few days ago That all parties [2] have agreed to close down and for you to close down. And I suppose you have. As its impossible for me to carry on the work alone until I can get assistance. Let me know at once what you have done
Yours truly W. F. CodyPS. After grain at Irma
[3] is harvested close down expense there I expect
Minneapolis, Minn.
Note 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on September 14-15, 1896. The day's entry in the 1896 Route Diary: "Minneapolis, Minn. / Monday, Sept. 14. Weather looks bad for our opening here. Fine cold rain all the morning. We had a long and wet parade to-day. Major J. M. Burke, W. H. Gardner and M. Coyle were seen around the front to-day reviving acquaintances. Mrs. Wm. McCune, wife of Chief Usher Wm. McCune, came from Omaha to-day to spend a few days with "Billie." / Business, fair in the afternoon, big at night." [back]
Note 2: "Parties" are the shareholders in Shoshone Irrigation Company. [back]
Note 3: "Irma" is Irma Flats, located in the upper South Fork valley where a few thousand acres would be irrigated for arriving settlers. [back]