Sep 21/96 My Dear George
Recd. the Otto Courier [2] — I think it would be a good idea to keep your offer of Lots— Park & $5000— with a write up in the Courier each issue till Election— pay for it then they will be sure to put it in— If there is annother paper in the Co [3] do the same thing with it—
Salsbury says if you land the County Seat— You are a Dandy—
Go to Em
CodyNote 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Sioux Fall, S. D., on 21 September 1896. The day's entry in the 1896 Route Diary: "Sioux Falls, S. D. / Monday, September 21. We are having bad show weather to-day; it tried to snow all morning but cleared off a little this afternoon. We gave a long parade this morning and a lonesome one it was; about one and one-half miles before we got into the city limits. As this was the opening day of the Fair the grounds were thrown open to the public free for the benefit of the show. The Annex opened to a twenty-five cent admission and a very good business this morning. Dr. Carver was a guest of the show this evening. / Business big in the afternoon, light at night. / Weather cloudy and threatening. / Lot, Fair Grounds. / Arena, 188 x 403." [back]
Note 2: The Otto Courier (1894-1898) in Otto, Wyoming, moved to Meeteetse and became Big Horn County News. The town of Otto was formed before 1896 by Otto Franc and was in contention for county seat of Big Horn County in 1896. Today Otto is an unincorporated community. [back]
Note 3: County. [back]