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  • Title: Letter from William F. Cody to George T. Beck
  • Date: June 4, 1898
  • Author: Cody, William Frederick, 1846-1917
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Buffalo Bill's Wild West

My Dear Beck

Your May 27 th George I am haveing hell— 28 days of rain you know what that means to me just now. I note what you say about the mill. But I wished you had told me something of our affairs out there— Webster [2] writes me he hasnt recd pay for bridge. I have no idea of what is owed out there. Why dont you let some of us know. is it right that the members of our Co are not informed of their obligations. I should think you would be glad to tell them. So you would not be bothered with creditors. So far I have been unable to get any one but Salsbury to put up— But a wire from Bleistein to days says Buffalo [3] will will let me know Monday. So if they send Alger money I hope you will pay Webster and other bills there— I wrote Alger that if any of your checks came in for Labor &c. his Bank   ought to take care of them for a few days as his Bank had never lost a cent by our co. I dont know what he done with money Salsbury sent him $1500.

In fact we dont know anything at this end how things are going. And we all feel that you should let us know.

Very truly yours W. F. Cody

P. S.
I dont go to Cuba [4] until Miles & the Main Army goes and that will be some time yet. The Scouts I am to Employ are to be Cubans who know the Country

P. S. Russell [5] says he hasnt been paid for store. Says Forbes [6] claims it was to be built out of stone for $600 what rot. You know what the contract was— I told Bleistein & Gerrans and they said they would pay Russell. Wish you would see Forbes about it. and get it fixed up— I am quite ill & all these things dont make me any better


Note 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Boston, Massachusetts, from May 30 to June 4, 1898. [back]

Note 2: "Webster" is not further identified, but may be William P. Webster who was Postmaster of Cody in 1897 and 1900. [back]

Note 3: "Buffalo" refers to the investors in Shoshone Irrigation Company from Buffalo, New York, including Bleistein, Gerrans, and Rumsey. [back]

Note 4: On April 18, 1898, just before the outbreak of the Spanish-American War, Cody volunteered to raise a company of scouts for the U.S. Army; war was declared on April 25, and General Miles offered Cody an appointment to his staff. Two of Cody's horses were sent to Cuba, but Cody ultimately did not go; by July 17th the formal surrender occurred. [back]

Note 5: "Russell" may have been George S. Russell, the carpenter that built most of the initial buildings in the new town of Cody, Wyoming. [back]

Note 6: "Forbes" oversaw the construction of Forbes Trading Company, which later became Cody Trading Company; when the building was completed, Forbes was replaced by Jacob M. "Jake" Schwoob (1874-1932). [back]

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