European Plan.
American Plan.
Auditorium Hotel
Breslin & Southgate
R. H. Southgate, Manager. Chicago,
Yours recd Buffalo parties [1] dont seem to feel like putting up Any more money. I have written them about the bridge [2] .
I dont beleive
Salsbury will put up a dollar- for he Says the money is so badly handeled. If I ask him to put up with me to bring water to Cody & flats
[3] . He will say who is to take charge of work- You know George that heretofore no money has been properly used
European Plan.
American Plan.
Auditorium Hotel
Breslin & Southgate
R. H. Southgate, Manager. Chicago, __________189___

European Plan.
American Plan.
Auditorium Hotel
Breslin & Southgate
R. H. Southgate, Manager. Chicago, __________189___
If you g will get down to business and write us that you will be on the job the money will be at Carbon Co Bank
[4] - But we wont stand any more slip-
European Plan.
American Plan.
Auditorium Hotel
Breslin & Southgate
R. H. Southgate, Manager. Chicago, __________189___
Note 1: "Buffalo parties" refers to the investors from Buffalo, N.Y., primarily Bleistein, Gerrans, and Rumsey. [back]
Note 2: "Bridge" refers to Cody's efforts to finance building a bridge over the Shoshone River near Cody. [back]
Note 3: "Flats" refers to acreage in the South Fork valley south of Cody, Wyoming, that would later become known as "Irma Flats," named after William F. Cody's youngest daughter. [back]
Note 4: Carbon County Bank was located in Red Lodge, Montana, the county seat; the bank was built before 1900. [back]