Buffalo Bill's Wild West
Linchburg Va [1]Apr- 23d 99 Dear Beck
Yours 15 th I do hope you will push the work and get the water down. You should have commenced sooner. I told you I would send the 1000- did I ever fail yet. When we get a rail road which will be in side of three years— and our town numbers thousands and land worth $100 an acre— then I wont have such hard work getting my colleagues to put up— The B.M. [2] will build to us sure—
Our settlers should plant every acre possible. They will get their own prices next winter. Now is the time to farm before the rail road gets there—
Write me fully. When will you have water in Cody?
Yours— CodyNote 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Lynchburg, Virginia, on April 24, 1899. William F. Cody incorrectly inscribed "Linchburg" for Lynchburg, Virginia. [back]
Note 2: "B. M." is the Burlington and Missouri Railroad Company, incorporated in Iowa in 1852 and headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska; in 1872 the company was acquired by the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad. [back]