Buffalo Bill's Wild West
Abberdeen- So Dak [1]Sep 6 [2] Dear Beck
Your favor of Aug 31 pleases me— Yes we must surely have a directors [3] meeting and see if we cant get a moove on them— I wish you would be prepared with some estimates and suggestions, George keep the water coming till it freezes up— I wrote Schwoob Cody Trading Co. Should build a big cistern— or the Town [5] should chip in and build a big one— See if you cant get them at it— Keep me posted about the hotel [6] . I hope it will go through.
Yours Cody
George— try and fill some place with water so there will be an ice pond. we must have ice next summer let me know if you can do this—
Note 1: Cody incorrectly inscribes Abberdeen; Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Aberdeen, South Dakota, on September 6, 1899. [back]
Note 2: The year is not inscribed by Cody but is 1899. [back]
Note 3: The "directors" are the investors in Shoshone Irrigation Company, including Rumsey, Gerrans, and Bleistein. [back]