Buffalo Bill's Wild West
Fairbury Neb [1]Aug 2d 1902 Dear George—
Glad to get your letter. hope you can meet me in Cheyenne [2] . The money for the extension & reconstructing our Canal is just as good as though it was in the bank. So I am informed by Bleistein. Rumsey & Gerrans. Salsbury as you know is allways ready— and my money is ready— go right a head— have no fear about the money part. I sent a letter to the Cody City Council. Wish you would hurry it up— I have got to build a sewer for the hotel— and have no time to loose— No one more than your self knows the benifit that hotel will be to the town. And I want to get it opened just as soon as possible—
Yours truly W. F. Cody