Buffalo Bill's Wild West
San. Francisco- [1]Sep. 12th / 02 [2] My Dear Beck.
Wired you to contract east end immediately get work started. Write each stock holder fully— telling them what the money will be used for— then later the contract can be let for upper end— You have r dried lumber for flumes long ago as we talked that over— the timber & lumber must be gotten this fall ready— Assess each of us to do the east end & pay contractors now then later make another assessment for upper end—
How does the prospects look for the Governorship [3] ?
Kind regards and success attend you— W. F. CodyNote 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in San Francisco, California, September 7-14, 1902. [back]
Note 2: Cody inscribes September 12th / 02, though the year as written looks more like 1912. [back]
Note 3: Beck was running for governor of Wyoming as a Democrat in the 1902 election; he lost the election to the incumbent Republican governor, DeForest Richards, who, incidentally, had defeated Horace C. Alger in the 1898 election. [back]