Buffalo Bill's Wild West
Santabarbra Cal [1]Sep 22d 1902 My Dear Beck.
Yours letter Sep 16th have wired you to make assessment to pay engineer & surveys— This you should have done long ago if you knew you would be short of money— Why dont you collect? its due co It will be your neglect if money not there to pay them And the blame shall be placed where it belongs— Wire me engineers estimate for doing earth work soon as you get it. Are there any contractors there who will take the work? We men who have to put up the money have lore for information— Some thing you could give us in a few minutes
Our company are liable to be blamed if surveyors money not there— And if so we will surely make a stand—
Very truly Yours W. F. Cody
Buffalo Bill's Wild West
You surely have Engineers estimate for Earth work for east end—
This coaxing to find out things is about played out with me—
W. F. Cody
Note 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Santa Barbara, California, on September 22, 1902. [back]