Buffalo Bill's Wild West
Metz Germany [1]Sep. 1st 1906 Dear George.
If nothing happens to prevent I will leave Wapiti [2] Oct 15th for a ten days hunt. I propose going up Elk fork get up on the Wapiti Ridge [4] and hunting the heads of Hard Pan [3] . Bob Cat on the south heds of Fish hawk [3] . Eagle [3] and up wapiti ridge to head of Ishawooa [5] & down to TE [6] . I will have but three or four particular friends with me. And I want you to be one of them I will send a Pack outfit to meet us at Wapiti starting from there Oct 15 th I hope to arrive in Cody Oct 10 th
Your old friend W. F. CodyPS. I hope the Citizens of Cody are urgeing the building of the high line Canal which I have written about before
Germany is doing fine about $50000 a week-
Note 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Metz, Germany, September 1-2, 1906. [back]
Note 2: Wapiti is located twenty miles west of Cody, Wyoming, on the North Fork of the Shoshone River. [back]
Note 3: Elk Fork, Hard Pan, Bobcat, Fish Hawk, and Eagle are tributary creeks that feed the north and south forks of the Shoshone River west of Cody, Wyoming. [back]
Note 4: Wapiti Ridge lies between the north and south forks of the Shoshone River, west of Cody, Wyoming. [back]
Note 5: Ishawooa Creek is located on the South Fork of the Shoshone River. [back]
Note 6: TE Ranch, located on the South Fork of the Shoshone River, was owned by William F. Cody. [back]