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  • Title: Letter from William F. Cody to George T. Beck
  • Date: May 27, 1909
  • Author: Cody, William Frederick, 1846-1917
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Buffalo Bill's Wild West Combined With Pawnee Bill's Great Far East.

Dear George.

I am feeling better thank you. I have gotten rid of the Bailey Estate. [2] Lillie and I now own everything. 70 rail road cars. 170 big draft horses. Elephants cammels in fact the Entire outfit valued at $300,000 of course it will take me a few weeks to pay some money I had to borrow. but six weeks good biz and I am clear. we will take $60,000 here this week. Lillie is a close conservative manager allways on the job. And it wont be long now until I am on easy avenue again.

The last few years have been hard ones for me but I never weakened— and my good friends have stood by me. And I wont for get them. And one of them is the First National of Cody. [3]

Put that in your pipe Col

Note 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West Combined with Pawnee Bill's Great Far East performed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 24-29, 1909. [back]

Note 2: James A. Bailey (1847-1906) died April 11, 1906, but his family retained financial interest in Buffalo Bill's Wild West until Cody and Gordon W. "Pawnee Bill" Lillie bought them out. [back]

Note 3: First National of Cody was founded in 1901 by William F. Cody, Hubert H. Hake, Charles E. Hayden, J. W. Chapman, and Benjamin F. Hake. [back]

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