Buffalo Bill's Wild West Combined With Pawnee Bill's Great Far East.
Baltimore [1]Apr. 20th [2] Dear George
Bob Haslam [3] showed me your letters poor fellow he is in a bad way paralized and broke. I am helping him but I have so many to help— its quite a draw on me.
President Taft [4] enjoyed the show. And sent me a nice letter.
Hope you are all well
love to family ColNote 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West Combined with Pawnee Bill's Great Far East performed in Baltimore, Maryland, April 19-20, 1911. [back]
Note 2: The year is not inscribed by Cody but is 1911. [back]
Note 3: Robert "Pony Bob" Haslam (1840-1912), was born in London, England, and died in Chicago, Illinois; Haslam is famous for having made the longest trip in Pony Express history: 120 miles in eight hours and twenty minutes. Haslam died at the age of 72 in poverty after suffering a stroke. [back]
Note 4: President Howard Taft (1857-1930). [back]