Form 1. --For Type Writer Use.
Postal Telegraph-Cable Company. In Connection With The Commercial (MacKay-Bennett) Cables
All Messages taken by this Company are subject to the conditions printed on back of this Blank.
Albert B. Chandler, President and General Manager.
John O. Stevens, Secretary.
Send the following message, subject to the conditions on back, which are hereby agreed to.
1427 F ST. N. W., WASH'N. D.C.
To 73.Ny.UN.JO. 1204P 10 Paid
New-York Jan 22nd-96
George.T.Beck, Chamberlins Ho tel, Washn, D. C.
Be sure see Hursts [2] wire result of meeting with secretary.
Bill.Note 1: Telegram is typewritten by clerk or William F. Cody assignee. [back]
Note 2: "Hursts" refers to Phoebe Apperson Hearst (1842-1919) and George Hearst (1820-1891), California senator and Comstock Lode magnate. At Beck's request, Phoebe Hearst agreed to provide an indemnity bond of $30,000 at 7.5% for the Shoshone Irrigation Company project. [back]