Form No. 1.
The Western Union Telegraph Company.
21,000 Offices In America.
Cable Service to All The World.
This Company Transmits and Delivers messages only on conditions limiting its liability, which have been assented to by the sender of the following message.
Errors can be guarded against only by repeating a message back to the sending station for comparison, and the Company will not hold itself liable for errors or delays in transmission or delivery of Unrepeated Messages, beyond the amount of tolls paid thereon, nor in any case where the claim is not presented in writing with in sixty days after the message is filed with the Company for transmission.
This is an Unrepeated Message, and is delivered by request of the sender, under the conditions named above.
Thos. T. Eckert, President and General Manager. [end heading imprint]
Number J [1]
Sent By D
Rec'd By Wi
Check 16 paid
Received at 1020 am
Mch 14 1896
Dated Grand Island neb 14
To Geo T Beck
Sheridan Wyo
Think perkins [2] favorably inclined you Alger give him strong talk stokes [3] wires he is with us
W F CodyNote 1: Telegram is handwritten by clerk or William F. Cody assignee. [back]
Note 2: "Perkins" is Charles E. Perkins (1840-1907) who was a businessman and president of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad. [back]
Note 3: "Stokes" is likely Edward S. Stokes (1841-1901) who was at one time a railroad and oil magnate and businessman; Stokes was an owner of the Hoffman House, an elegant hotel in Manhattan. [back]