Your letter has been given me to answer. I am not prepared offhand to give the desired information, but will take the matter up at no far distant day and will write you what I can learn; we should know all about the battle if one was fought there and I shall try to dig the facts out as soon as time will permit; please write me again if I do not reply within a few weeks.
Yours very truly, E. E. BlackmanYour letter of the 6th. is at hand, and I have this much dug out of our archives:
In a manuscript "The Life of Major Frank North" I find a full and graphic description of "The battle of Summit Springs" Which occurred on sunday, July 11, 1869. The geographical location is obscure, but it was in Colorado; and must have been north of Akron, either in Washington or Logan county. I doubt if the men in it could tell nearer than that and am quite sure the section , town and range can never be known unless the ruin was found and mentioned at the time of survey; in that case it woul would be found in the field notes _f the survey.
Major North and Captain Luther North, now at Columbus Nebr., were both in the fight. Tall Bull was chief of the band of "Sioux" annihilated there; no record of the tribe is given except Sioux and there were so many bands of Sioux in this region that we know little from the common name Sioux, but I hope to learn what tribe this was from other sources
52 warriors were killed; 18 women and children made prisoners, two German white women were released from captivity (one died immediately from wounds) 274 horses were captured, 144 mules, 9300 pounds of dried meat, 84 lodges complete, 56 rifles, 22 revolvers, 40 bows and arrows, 50 pounds of powder and about 1500 dollars in moneywere all captured.
The whole account embraces 18 pages of type writing and gives every detail from the start at McPherson to the return to Ft. Sedgwick. If you are especially interested in this battle we could have this coppied for you at little cost; the office stenographer has more than she can do now, so we would hire it done for you if you desired.
I am certain it was in Colorado as the legislature of this state passed resolutions thanking Gen. Carr for his prompt action" in the territory of Colorado" , so you see the proof is conclusive.
This society is always glad to assist in tracing out historical matters which so closely effect our state, and I am glad you wrote us about the matter; we will be glad to write you farther in the matter if you desire more detail.
Yours very truly, E. E. Blackman