File No. / Deed No. 15117.
In Consideration of the Payment of One (1) ______________ Dollars, The LINCOLN LAND COMPANY, a Corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Nebraska, hereby Quit-Claims to Bronson Rumsey, all of its right, title, and interest in and to the following described real estate, situate in the County of Big Horn and State of Wyoming, to-wit:
Lots Numbered Twenty-six (26) and Twenty-seven (27), in Block Numbered Twenty-nine (29), in the town of CODY, according to the plat of said town recorded in Book One of Miscellaneous Records at pages 299 and 300, of the records of said Big Horn County.
This deed is made to take the place of a certain other deed issued by the LINCOLN LAND COMPANY to the said Bronson Rumsey conveying the above described premises, which deed bears date the fifth day of October A.D., 1901, and which said original deed has been lost and is not recorded.
In Testimony Whereof, the said LINCOLN LAND COMPANY has caused this instrument to be signed by its President, countersigned by its Secretary, and the corporate seal of the Company to be hereunto affixed, this seventh day of January A.D., 1902.
Countersigned: A B MinorSecretary. Lincoln Land Company. By C H Morrill
President. Witness Signature of President: W.W. Turner State of Nebraska,
Lancaster County /SS.
Be it Known, That on this 7th day of Jany A.D. 1902 before me, a Notary Public in and for said County, personally appeared C. H. Morrill, President of the LINCOLN LAND COMPANY, who is personally known to me to be the identical person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument as said President, and then and there acknowledged the execution of said instrument to be his voluntary act and deed, and the voluntary act and deed of said Company.
WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal on the day last above written. W. W. Turner Notary PublicMy Commission expires Sept. 12th 1907.

No. 15117
From The
Bronson Rumsey
State of Wyoming
Big Horn County / SS.
Filed for Record Jan. 24 1902, at 1 o'clock P.M. Recorded______ / 1___, / in Book 3, Page 378-9 of Deeds.
W. J. Booth
By Frank I. Rue / Deputy.
State Journal Co., Blank Book Makers, Stationers and Printers, Lincoln, Neb.
No 5545