KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That I, Bronson C. Rumsey of Buffalo, New York, acting as Trustee for William F. Cody, George T. Beck, Nathan Salsbury, George Bleistein, Horace C. Alger, H. Montgomery Gerrans and Bronson C. Rumsey, under a certain agreement between Lincoln Land Co. and said Bronson C. Rumsey as Trustee, bearing date the 24th day of September, 1901, wherein provision is made for the handling and disposition of certain real estate known as the "Cody Town Site," which is owned jointly by the parties to said agreement, and whereas Horace C. Alger, one of the beneficiaries under said trust agreement, is dead; and whereas E. B. Allan [1] of Sheridan, Wyoming, has legally acquired the interest formerly owned by the said Horace C. Alger, the said Bronson C. Rumsey, Trustee, hereby agrees to recognize a certain assignment bearing date _______________executed by the heirs of the said Horace C. Alger as an absolute transfer of said interest of said Horace C. Alger to said E. B. Allan, and the he will hereafter account to said E. B. Allan for a one-seventh interest of any and all benefits accruing from said trust.
Dated at Buffalo, New York , this 4 th day of February, 1911.
__________________As Trustee.
This is a copy of agreement as set forth. BR
Note 1: Erle B. Allan (1871-1952) worked his way through the ranks of the Bank of Commerce, Sheridan, Wyoming, to become the bank's president in 1930. Allan purchased the estate of H. C. Alger which included holdings in Cody, Wyoming. [back]