Buffalo Bill's Chiefs have a Pow-wow with their German Father.
A delegation of Indians, belonging to the Buffalo Bill Combination, called upon Secretary Schurz, at the Interior Department, yesterday afternoon. The party consisted of Little Warrior, (Pawnee warrior,) Follow the Sun, (Nez Perce chief,) Eagle that Flies High, (Pawnee chief,) and Messrs. C. A. Burgess and H. E. Burgess, [1] scouts, and interpreters. The visit was an informal one. The Indians stated that their tribes were prospering finely, and that they are generally satisfied with what the Government has given them. Little Warrior stated that he lived in a log hut, erected by himself, and when he returned in the spring, he would go to ploughing. The Secretary replied that he was glad the Indians had called upon him; that this visit to Washington and other cities would show them how the whites live and how they have prospered by their own industry. In conclusion, he told them that he hoped they would exhibit the same spirit of industry and do all they could for the welfare and prosperity of their nations.
Note 1: Charles A. Burgess, a Pawnee interpreter, and Eddie A. ("Willy") Burgess were brothers hired in August 1878 to perform with the Buffalo Bill Combination; they traveled with the Combination for several years. [back]