An Attempt by the Interior Department to take them from Buffalo Bill.
The commissioner of Indian affairs, having found that the Pawnees with the Buffalo Bill combination are off their reservation without permission, issued an order that they should return immediately. When this fact became known to the Indians they executed a terrific war dance, held an excited pow-wow, and finally concluded not to go. Mr. Cody then took the matter in hand, and called upon the commissioner, stating that if the order was carried into effect, it would cause considerable pecuniary loss to him, as the combination had been advertised for appearance for twenty days ahead. He also assured the commissioner that the Indians were well treated. The commissioner then revoked his order, on condition that Mr. Cody enter into $5,000 bonds to return the Indians after a specified time (within which it is agreed the Indians shall be kept sober) to their agency at his own expense. This arrangement was satisfactory, and Mr. Cody departed happy. The dusky chiefs of the forest sang "O-be-joyful!" and will indulge in deeds of daring and blood-curdling horror upon the stage, instead of living on Government rations at their agency.