Will Take Place To-morrow Morning—The Line of March.
The street cavalcade which presages the initial performance of Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders at Madison Square Garden Wednesday evening will take place to-morrow morning. Col. Cody promises a more brilliant display than his exhibition has afforded in years past, for he has brought together much that is absolutely new. For the first time will be seen representative horsemen from America's new possessions—Hawaii and the Philippines—together with a detachment of genuine ex-members of Roosevelt's famous command.
Indians to the number of a hundred or more, cowboys, Mexicans, Arabs, English, German, Cuban, and American cavalry and United States artillery will be seen in the line headed by Buffalo Bill himself. The cavalcade will leave the Garden at 10 o'clock, march to Madison Avenue, to Twenty-fourth Street, to Lexington Avenue, to Fifty-eighth Street, to Fifth Avenue, to Forty-ninth Street, to Sixth Avenue, to Forty-fourth Street, to Fifth Avenue, to Waverley Place, to Broadway, to Astor Place, to Fourth Avenue, to Madison Square Garden.