Films Displayed at Opening Home Club Program.
Thousand Members of Interior Department Organization See Famous Chiefs and U. S. Army Warriors of the Plains. Officials Admire the Pictures — Shown Twice Today — President Invited.
One thousand persons saw and admired the motion picture films, "The Last Indian Battles, or From the Warpath to the Peace Pipe," presented by Col. William F. Cody (Buffalo Bill), at what was the initial entertainment of the Home Club of the Interior Department last night, at the clubhouse, 14 Jackson square northwest.
Survivors Posed for Films.
The films depicted the last Indian wars, beginning in 1860, and carrying the spectator down to the final surrender in 1891. Taking part in the pictures were nearly all of the surviving Indian chiefs, many of the sons of those now dead, and prominent army officers, who were in the engagements.
Among these are Lieut. Gen. Nelson A. Miles, U. S. A., retired; Maj. Gen. Jesse M. Lee, U. S. A., retired; Capt. Charles King, U. S. A., retired; Brig. Gen. Frank Baldwin, U. S. A., retired; Brig. Gen. Marion P. Maus, and Col. Horatio G. Sickel, U. S. A. Col. Cody made the preparatory remarks.
Among those present were Director Holmes and Van H. Manning, of the bureau of mines; Commissioner Ewing, patent office; L. H. Underwood, secretary of the club; E. C. Kemper, clerk to Secretary Lane; H. E. Meyer, private secretary to the Secretary; George Otis Smith, director of the geological survey; Clark E. Carr, former Minister to Denmark, and Mrs. Eugene A. Carr, widow of Gen. Carr, who took part in the Indian campaigns.
President Invited Tonight.
The pictures will be repeated at noon today, at the Columbia Theater, under the auspices of the National Press Club, for the members of the press. Secretary Lane, as president of the Home Club, has invited the President, members of the cabinet, and members of Congress to see the pictures at the club tonight.
The officers of the club will receive tomorrow night, at what will be the official opening of the club.