Buffalo Bill's Show in Germany.
All through Germany—ay, all through old, quaint and lovely Europe—has that wild and woolly show trailed its awful length. The staid old savants at Leipsic, [1] the students at Heidelberg, the artists at Munich, the conservative aristocracy at Hanover—all lost their heads at the approach of this barbarous pageant. Buffalo Bill posters (flaming with red and green inks) desecrated statues and turrets and walls here, there and everywhere. I floated down the Rhine one summer day. They pointed out the beetling precipice where devil maidens used to sit and comb their curls and lure young men to certain, awful death. Upon that black, historic rock the vandal hands of John Burk had posted up a three sheet poster announcing the approach of Buffalo Bill and an afternoon and evening performance at Coblentz!
Awed by the stately solemnity of Cologne's surpassingly lovely cathedral, with the beauties of Dresden still haunting me, with the classic suggestion of the Cafe Bauer's [2] mural splendors still fresh in mind, with the romantic scenery of the Rhine before my eyes, and with the picturesque glories of Bavaria still sharing my enthusiasm, I ventured to propound to my three boys this question, "Tell me, you little lyrists, what of all that you have seen in this marvelously beauteous land have you most enjoyed—which of the thousand lovely things do you now and shall you ever recall with the sincerest delight?"
As one man those three lads arose and thundered, "Buffalo Bill's Wild West!"—Eugene Field [3] in Chicago News.
Note 1: Leipsic is the old English spelling for the German city of Leipzig. [back]
Note 2: Café Bauer was a famous cafe/coffee house in Berlin, Germany, during the 19th and early 20th centuries. [back]
Note 3: Eugene Field (1850-1895), an American newspaperman and popular 19th century humorist often called the "Poet of Childhood." [back]