The Trouble at Bottineau Simply an Indian Scare Without the Indians. The Indians on the Other Side of the Line Have Neither Arms Nor Ammunition. Gen. Miles Feels That the Troops May be Withdrawn From From Pine Ridge. He Thanks Them For the Confidence They Have Afforded the People.
ALL QUIET. It is Simply an Indian Scare Without the Indians
BOTTINEAU, N. D., Jan. 12.—[Special.]—I have fully investigated the trouble here and can say that it is simply an Indian scare without the Indians. I sent two men accross the line to the supposed hostile camp. They have just returned and report about twenty Indians living peaceably in their reservation. I have received a dispatch from Geo. B Moffat, Indian Inspector at Deloran, Manitoba, stating that everything was quiet with all the Indians on that side of the line, and there are not more than two dozen Indians near the line. The Indians on this side of the line are quiet and have no arms or ammunition and are too poor to buy any. There is great excitement yet among the people and a few have left [.] It will take a few days to quiet them down. Arms and ammunition for distribution among the settlers will be here by the next train, which will have a quieting effect.
PEACE RESTORED. Gen Miles Says the Troops May be Withdrawn With Safety
PINE RIDGE AGENCY, S. D., Jan. 12.—The announcement that a large number of hostile had at night arrived within gun shot of the pickets spead with rapidity. Immediately hundreds of squaws and children gathered in the vicinity of the headquarters, whence a view of the bluffs, beyond which the hostiles were stationed, could be obtained. They waited patiently, however, for their brothers, lovers and husbands to appear, but as evening drew on and their devotion was not rewarded, they gradually returned to their tepees. Today Col. Henry, who was expected with his four troops of the ninth cavalry to reach the agency in company with Col. Wheaton and his command, was ordered to White Clay to follow the neighborhood of Gen. Brooke, whose headquarters are established with Colonel Sanford's command. The latter is now within a few miles of the Indians, and tomorrow will press them more closely, unless in the meantime they shall have gone into camp within the agency. Col. Sanford's command comprises one troop each of the first, second and nineth cavalry. Cheyenne scouts, formerly commanded by the late Lieut. Casey, and now in charge of Lieut. Getty and companies A, C, G and H of the second infantry. Col. Wheaton is now about eight miles west of the agency, and unless otherwise ordered will reach here tonight. Col. Offley is following Gen. Brooke with six companies of seventy infantry. At this writing there is no certainty as to what the Indians will do. Gen. Miles himself is in doubt as to what to expect. They may, he says, get to within gunshot of the agency. Fear of all kinds of punishment seems to have taken possession of them, and it is generally understood that one idjudicious act on the part of the soldiery or a mad act of some implacable hostile would precipitate a fight, the consequence of which may be scarcely imagined [.] Lieut. Taylor of the nineth Cavalry has gone to get the Indians with o couple of his scouts with the intention of leading them at the proper time to places designated for their camps within the Agency, where they are now resting. The ground is rolling and unbroken and offers advantages to the Cavalry. They are virtually surrounded by troops and in a disadvantageous position and a revolt would, it is believed result disasterously to them. Maj. Whitesides, now in command of seventh has his men ready to move at a moment's notice and says he can reach any point at the agency within five minutes. The same is true with Capt. Capron with his battery and gattling guns, as also of infantry under Col. Shafter. The latter has about 300 men. About two hundred and sixty of them are to be mounted. All testimony regarding the battle of Wounded Knee has been collected and today will be submitted to Gen. Miles, by whom it will be forwarded to Washington. The evidence has been sworn to, and will be accompanied by photographs and diagrams of the battle field the latter showing the location of both troops and Indians, and where a greater part of the squaws who were killed fell. People who are well posted say the report will dispel the idea that the soldiers deliberately shot the squaws. Gen. Miles has written a letter to Brigadier General W. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) and Brigadier General Colby, both of the Nebraska National Guard, stating that all the hostiles are within a mile and a half of the agency and nothing but an accident can prevent the restablishment of peace. Gen. Miles says also that he feels that the state troops may now be withdrawn with safety and thanks them for the confidence they have afforded people in their frontier homes.