Captain Jack Shot in the Groin While Playing Yellow-Hand, at Virginia City.
VIRGINIA CITY, June 29th—At Buffalo Bill's benefit to-night, "The Red Right Hand, or the First Scalp for Custer" was given. In the last act Captain Jack Crawford came on the stage, mounted, in the character of Yellow-Hand. At his entrance, he and Buffalo Bill, also mounted, began firing at short range. Suddenly Captain Jack fell from his horse. He recovered himself, and was engaging in a hand-to-hand conflict, when blood was noticed streaming down his tights. Miss Granville, who was seated in the stage-box, fainted. The curtain was suddenly lowered. It was ascertained that Captain Jack, in drawing his revolver, had accidentally shot himself in the groin, the wad inflicting a painful wound, which bled freely. After being taken to his room he was found to be out of danger, though suffering considerably.