A cablegram brings the information that Buffalo Bill—our own William—and Dr. Carver are about to treat the citizens of Hamburg [1] with a veritable wild west show. It will be remembered that Cody and Carver started out together, giving their initial performance in Omaha. They journeyed to New York and finally, through jealousy and misunderstanding, split wide open. Cody went to London and Carver organized another troupe similar to Cody's and also started on a starring tour through Europe. He followed Cody, and aimed, if possible, to give a performance in the same city and at the same time. In Berlin and Vienna this year Carver did a profitable business while Cody fell flat. They are both in Hamburg at the present time, and have announced an indefinite stay in that city. Carver beat Cody there three days and leased most all the available show ground and contracted for all the electric light. This left Cody to pitch his tents in the dark within a few feet of Carver's, and for some reason Carver is doing all the business. This has caused Colonel Cody's blood to boil, and the feeling of hatred has gotten among his cowboys and Indians. They want to fight. They scorn the mock exhibitions which now appear tame and commonplace, and yearn to go at it in regular western style and for "bl--ud." Had it not been for the civic authorities they would have come together Monday, and, had they, the peaceable citizens of Hamburg would have seen not only a wild but a decidedly wooly west. Our Colonel Cody was the pride of London and Paris—fair ladies sending him their perfumed notes in countless numbers, and the Rt. Hon. William Gladstone was flattered to take his hand. But in other foreign capitals Carver has been the lion, and Colonel, the Hon. Biffalo Bull, has been occupying a back seat, as it were. A consolidation of the Wild West is certainly in order.
Note 1: Buffalo Bill's Wild West performed in Hamburg, Germany, from August 8, 1890, through August 31, 1890. [back]