Noted Army Leaders and Indian Warriors Re-Enact Old Battle of Wounded Knee.
Valentine, Neb. — A part of the historical battle of Wounded Knee, which was fought December 28, 1890, was reproduced for motion pictures near the Pine Ridge agency at the instigation of Col. W. F. Cody.
The assistance of some of the same Indians who participated in the battle was secured and they played the same part that they took in the battle 23 years ago.
Two troops of soldiers from Fort Robinson took part.
The battle was reproduced with the same accuracy in every detail, and Gen. Nelson A. Miles, Brig. Gen. Charles A. King, and Maj. Jesse M.
Col. William F. Cody
Lee served in the same capacities as when the original battle was fought.
The government was interested in the reproduction of the battle to the extent that copies of the films made will be filed among the historical archives of the war department.