Miles, Cody, and Others Watch Reproductions of Indian Fights.
Special to The New York Times.
CHICAGO, Jan. 21. — Gen. Nelson A. Miles, Gen. Charles King, Gen. Baldwin, Gen. Wheaton, Gen. Stuart, and William F. Cody, (Buffalo Bill,) with several other army officers and civilians, to-day attended a private exhibition of the moving pictures taken last October at Pine Ridge, S. D., when 4,000 soldiers of the regular army and National Guard participated in reproductions of the Indian battles of 1876.
Gray-haired military chiefs watched themselves fighting. There was Gen. Nelson A. Miles in the audience, silent and erect, watching Gen. Nelson A. Miles galloping at the head of his troop into the ravine of Wounded Knee.
There was Col. Schunk in the audience, intent and interested, watching Col. Schunk skirmishing over the hills of the Bad Lands.
But the figure that sat the straightest and watched the closest was that of "Buffalo Bill," part owner of the films, which he assisted in preparing for the archives of the War Department in Washington. They will be shown next week before President Wilson and Secretary Garrison in Washington.