'Buffalo Bill,' Famed Scout and Indian Fighter, Promises to Aid Denver in World's Pageant
Col. Cody Will Speak Before the Publicity League Tonight.
Will Explain Plans to Last Grand Indian Council.
Buffalo Bill today made suggestions to the Colorado Publicity league for the 1915 Indian Pageant. He suggests that the Indian sign language should be interpreted by the Indians to the visitors. In the above pictures he is shown illustrating the Indian sign language. The interpretations follow: 1 — "A large company is coming." 2 — An Indian. 3 — A tepee or house. 4 — A white man. 5 — A big tepee. 6 — Friendship.
"Buffalo Bill," scout and frontiersman, the best friend the Indians have had in many years and the most versatile student of their manners and customs, will address the Colorado Publicity league at a meeting to be held at the Brown Palace hotel this evening, when the organization will be completed by the election of directors and the formal adoption of the constitution and by-laws.
Taking advantage of the presence in Denver of Colonel Cody at the moment that the charter ...[?] of the league was completed by the signature of the ...[?] member, Gordon Jones, temporary chairman, invited the old scout to meet with the league and tell what, in his opinion, would be the best and most attractive Indian congress to be offered to tourists during the summer of 1915.
Colonel Cody and ...[?] a long conversation, durin gwhich [sic] the former explained plans that have been in contemplation for several years and offered to do all in his power to aid the league to carry out whatever form of exhibition it decides upon. On behalf of the league, Mr. Jones expressed his thanks for the services which Colonel Cody had proffered and assured him that whatever he suggests will receive the most careful consideration of the men who will have the arrangements for the exhibition in charge.
Colonel Cody will be obliged to withdraw from this evening's gathering in time to take a train for his home in North Platte, Neb., so that as soon as the constitution has been adopted he will be called upon. In the meanwhile the committee to which he will be assigned the duty of presenting a list of candidates for directors will be in session. This will take some little time, and Colonel Cody will have ample opportunity to explain the plans he has cherished for so long a period of years.
Letters advising the subscribers to the league of this evening's meeting were sent out yesterday. The notice ...[?] for the reason that the committee on membership desired to be assured that they would have 300 names on the charter roll before Chairman Jones issued the call under the resolution adopted at the initial meeting on December 5 directing the holding of a meeting only after the requisite number of subscribers had been obtained.
Colonel Cody, with some thirty members of the league's most energetic leaders were guests at a luncheon given at the Albany at noon today by Sam F. Dutton, during which the plans for the exhibition which Colonel Cody has evolved were explained briefly. Those who heard them were enthusiastic in the extreme and all indicated their hope that the league as a body would decide to accept them.