Will Take Pictures of Fair Celebration, From Here to the TE Ranch and then to Pine Ridge Agency
Mr. Charles E. Kaufman, representing the Essanay moving picture outfit came in yesterday on the same train with Colonel Cody. He will be folowed [sic] shortly by Mr. T. Wharton, the general manager and scenario artist of the company.
These gentlemen are making preparations, first, to take some pictures of the stunts to be pulled off at the fair grounds next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. This is the outfit with which Colonel Cody is connected, and with whose assistance will be reproduced all the famous battles and Indian fights of the young west. General Chas. King, the famous author, is now writing the stories of these battles, and when the stories are written, Mr. Wharton will prepare the scenario. It then remains for Colonel Cody and other prominent old-timers to actually re-stage those world-famed scenes. General Nelson A. Miles will be one of the actors. The General was there in person, too, and knows how to do it.
Most of this work will be done at Pine Ridge Agency, and the government has offered the use of the Indians stationed there for that purpose.
Before proceeding to the Pine Ridge agency, however, the Essanay company will take a good many pictures in and around Cody. If you want to see yourself in a moving picture, be at the Park County Fair, for it's liable to happen.