The Indian wars for fifty years On stream and vale and hill Are now produced with moving slides By brilliant Buffalo Bill! And here we see the ghost dance craze Where Indians plan to kill The cavalry of Uncle Sam When led by Buffalo Bill! And in the Miles campaign we see Baldwin o'er rock and rill, While shooting down the Indian braves Charging with bold Buffalo Bill! And here is Merritt, Carr, and King, With troops of desperate will, That slashed the Indians right and left In front with Buffalo Bill! Pine Ridge and Wounded Knee can tell, And also old Fort Sill, How troopers over mount and plain Dashed on with Buffalo Bill! And when their chief, bold Yellow Hand, Challenged with hate and skill, He met his fate instanter And fell by Buffalo Bill! And Sitting Bull at last defied Our troops with tyrant will, But soon was killed in action By Miles and Buffalo Bill!-John A. Joyce, in Washington Post.