A CIT. I notice that you've taken to wearing the Cowboy Collars. Find 'em comfortable?
ANOTHER CIT. Fairly so. Speaking of comfort, aren't those Mocassin Boots of yours dreadfully troublesome in wet weather?
A CIT. Of course they are, but I was bound, for harmony's sake, to have a pair, as I'd started a Sioux Suit of blanket cloth. Like it?
ANOTHER CIT. Awfully. In fact, now I've seen you in it, I shall never rest till I've had a Wampum Waistcoat built.
A CIT. They're very elegant. By the way, Mrs. Jones tells me that she recently met you in Oxford-street.
ANOTHER CIT. Yes, your wife was wheeling a Papoose Perambulator, and it nearly went over my toes.
A CIT. She'd ben to Peter Robinson's to buy a Squaw Costume for afternoon wear. You'll admire her in it, when you see her again.
ANOTHER CIT. I've no doubt I shall. My wife's meditating an investment in a gown of the kind; but in the meantime she's satisfied her fashionable longings by mounting a Log-hut Hat.
A CIT. Ha! ha! These women must always be in the swim. Mrs. Brown'll be wanting you to take her to see The Deadwood Coach—the successful new piece at the Royal Arena Theatre—before very long, you see if she won't.
ANOTHER CIT. Why, ever since she heard that they were turning money away nightly, she's been wild to go; and, to tell you the truth, I was trotting off to the booking-office to buy tickets when you and I stumbled across each other.
A CIT. Were you now? Well, I myself was making for Mudie's, to try if I could get that popular novel, "Buffalo Bill's Bride; or, the Pearl of the Pampas." Mrs. J. is just frantic to read it.
[Exeunt severally upon their errands.