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  • Title: Guy Fawkes Celebration
  • Periodical: The Standard
  • Date: November 8, 1887
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The annual costume procession and bonfire celebration took place at Hampstead last night in connection with the Hampstead Bonfire Club. Notwithstanding the bad weather and the fact that a large number of people visited Hampstead on Saturday night in expectation of the celebration coming off then, many thousands of people from all parts of London made their way to Hampstead by road and waited to see the procession. The start was fixed for half-past seven, but it was an hour later before it took place. The procession consisted of Guards, representatives of Buffalo Bill and the Cowboys of the "Wild West," soldiers, sailors, and nondescripts, with bands of music and a banner, and a triumphal car bearing representatives of her Majesty and some of her distinguished Jubilee visitors, while there was a card load of personages representing "Some of the Unemployed, retired on 500/. a year." Many hundreds of people, accompanied by police, followed on foot. The route taken was from the Jack Straw's Castle, Hampstead-heath, through the main roads, down Haverstock-hill to Park-road, thence by way of Fleet-road back to the starting point. In deference to the wishes of the police, torches were not used this year, but coloured fires were freely burnt, and the triumphal car was illuminated with Chinese lanterns. Many of the houses on the route were also illuminated. It was ten o'clock before the procession reached the Jack Straw's Castle on its return journey and broke up with the performance of "Auld Land Syne," and "God save the Queen." Soon after the procession commenced its journey an immense bonfire was lit on Hampstead-heath, where there was also a firework display. Heavy rain fell during a great part of the proceedings. The police endeavored to stop the mischievous practice of bystanders discharging fireworks in the streets, but were only partially successful. Some half-dozen or more persons were taken into custody for this offence, but liberated after their names and addresses had been taken, with a view to proceedings by summons.

The Guy Fawkes Carnival at Bridgwater took place last night, the streets being thronged with townspeople and visitors. The procession included four bands, Fire Brigade and engines, a full rigged model of her Majesty's ship Rattlesnake, representations of the old Eddystone Lighthouse, and of the Witches Cauldron scene from Macbeth, a company of Artillery with a mounted gun, mounted historic figures, &c. The subsequent pyrotechnic display was very effective. A huge bonfire was lighted on the Cornhill, and there was a monster balloon ascent.

A Guy Fawkes carnival took place at Dorchester last night, and was witnessed by spectators from all parts of the county. A procession with torchbearers, accompanied by bands of music, paraded the streets. There was no disorder. A huge bonfire was lighted on Poundbury, an old Roman encampment near the town, and around the conflagration, which could be seen for miles, dancing and other sports were indulged in.

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