General O'Beirne Entertains Some Old Friends.
That is what it sounded like, but as a matter of fact it was only General O'Beirne greeting three Sioux Indians whom he had known years ago when he was engaged in fighting the redskins in the West.
The three braves landed yesterday from the Augusta Victoria at the Barge Office, as returned wanderers from Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, now in Europe.
As soon as General O'Beirne saw them he recognized them as old acquaintances against whom he had fought many a battle. Their names are Shunka-ka-Scar, Marto-Chenumpa and He-Chunka-Sockta. In English they mean White Horse, Bear Pipe and White Weasel.
Skunka-ka-Sear, or White Horse, was suffering from a sore throat, and the General took the whole party into his private office, where he doctored them up in true Indian fashion, greatly to their own delight, and then sent them out for a good dinner.
That an Indian is never too ill to eat was practically demonstrated by the fact that for dinner the three Indians had roast beef, fried pork, fried eggs, fried and mashed potatees, string beans, three glasses of milk and a bowl of coffee each, two glasses of ice water each, bread and butter, and huckleberry pie and green peas mixed.
They all declined ice-cream, saying: "Much chuck heap good; white chuck too cold."
After caring for his red friends as well as he could at the Barge Office, General O'Beirne took them to a hotel and saw them nicely fixed for the night in "heap good blankets" and a sufficiency of "fire-water."
They leave to-night for Pine Ridge Agency, Dakota, where they will join their tribe, and, as expressed by their somewhat limited English, have "heap Injun chuck, good time and see squaw and papoose."