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  • Title: What Is Going on in the Theatrical World
  • Periodical: New York Herald (Paris Edition)
  • Date: April 16, 1891
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THE Red Star ss. Switzerland, which arrived at Antwerp on Wednesday from Philadelphia, brought Major John M. Burke, seventy Indians, and twenty white people of the Buffalo Bill Wild West Company.

Among the palefaces are "Johnnie Baker," Miss Della Farrell, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Comrie, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Crager and John Nelson. Of the Indians in the list of passengers of the Switzerland, the following are some of the more characteristic and poetic names:— Comes-Out-Holy, Two-Bonnet, Brings-Yellow-Horses, Fog, Holy Bird, Both-Sides-White, Pull-Him-Out, Her Blanket, Plenty-Blankets, Wounded-With-Many-Arrows, Run-Along-Side-Off, Close-to-Home, Hard-to-Hit, Mrs. Crow Cane, Know-His-Voice, Coming Grunt, Bring-the-White, Mrs. Call-the-Name.

On reaching Antwerp the party took a special train for Strasburg, near which place the rest of the Wild West Company have been wintering.

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