Tremendous jubilation agitated the Wild West camp at Salford, on Ash Wednesday. There was no performance, owing to a wise and beneficent law passed by the illustrious senators of Salford. So they had "a day off." This day they devoted to the christening of the Indian baby.
The ceremony took place at St. Clement's Church, and a crowd of spectators assembled, all the notabilities of the Show being well to the fore.
It would have brought tears of joy to a Wild Western editor's eyes to have heard Broncho Bill—of the Smith and Western persuasion—making the responses for Little Chief. But the nicest thing of all was to see Major Burke assisting to take the collection. There are few things the genial Major has not taken in his career, from scalps downwards, but this is the first occasion, I should imagine, on which he has ever assisted in a "show" of this kind.