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  • Title: Untitled [Letter to Mr. B. Goodall]
  • Periodical: The Umpire
  • Date: April 22, 1888
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The challenge we published last week, in which a gentleman named Goodall wished to contest ten miles on the racecourse with English horses against Buffalo Bill's ponies, has met with a response. We have received the following from Buffalo Bill:—

Mr. B. Goodall.

Dear Sir,—Having succeeded, through the kindness of Mr. Mark Price and the racecourse authorities, in securing the grounds for the proposed race between your English-bred horses and my American ponies, I accept your proposition. The terms the same as you suggested—namely, for £200, the same number of horses for a ten mile contest—riders to change every half-mile. While my ponies are the ordinary cattle ponies of the Far West, I think the experiment will be one of great interest.—I am, respectfully yours,

W. F. CODY (Buffalo Bill),
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