Letter from Annie Oakley's Manager.
The cablegram reports announcing the death of the noted Ohio lady shot, Miss Annie Oakley, some two weeks ago of congestion of the lungs, at Buenos Ayres, as predicted by us is unfounded, the following letter from her manager and husband being in proof that she is still in the land of the living. The letter, of which we print a copy, was yesterday received by Mr. Al Bandle, [1] and reads:
"ASHFORD, ENG., January 5, 1891."MY DEAR FRIEND AL—For the past two weeks a report has been going through the press to the effect that Miss Annie Oakley died from congestion of the lungs. I suppose by this time it has got in the American papers. I have answered more than a half thousand letters and telegrams. Will you please ask Friend Wick to contradict her death in the Cincinnati papers. I am very happy and thankful to say Annie is in most excellent health, shoots game three days each week on the English preserves, and having fine sport. How the report of her death gained circulation I do not know. She joins Buffalo Bill again at Strausberg, Germany, in March. The report of her death, when read, affected Annie terribly. One of the English shooting papers has an article in this week's issue credited to the Commercial Gazette to this effect:
" 'Mr. [Le]on Del Monte, [2] a prominent Cincinnati sportsman and author of note, has just completed two plays for Miss Annie Oakley.'
"How did that leak out? With best wishes from Miss Annie and myself to all, I am yours truly,
"FRANK E. BUTLER, "151 New Bond street, London, England. "Permanent address, Europe."Note 1: Al Bandle, vice president of the The Bandle Arms Company in Cincinnati, Ohio, was a shooting competitor and a friend of Annie Oakley and Frank Butler. [back]
Note 2: Leon Del Monte, author of plays entitled Aaron Burr (published 1889) and West Point (published 1890); there is little to suggest that either play had any connection to Annie Oakley. [back]