SIR,—I have just read the comments of one who signs himself "Kicking," in which he refers to Colonel Cody as a rifle shot. After carefully reading his letter I am sure he knows very little about Colonel Cody, either personally or as a rifle shot. I have had the honour of knowing him for twelve years, and I have yet to hear him brag about his shooting or claim to be the champion shot of the world. Yet during that time I have seen him accomplish feats with the repeating rifle that have seldom, if ever, been equalled, and certainly never surpassed. Buffalo Bill simply claims to be a practical, all-round shot, which means that in a country where game is to be had he could make his living by the use of the rifle and revolver, and that is something he has often been called on to do, not only for himself, but for many others who were depending on his skill whilst being guided by him across the plains of the Wild West. Now, as for being offered a match with Mr Elliott in 1887, I remember there was some talk of such a match, but it did not come from Colonel Cody, as he was then under contract with the American Exhibition Company to appear twice each day, and it would have been impossible for him to arrange such a match even had he wanted to do so. Then, again, the shooting done at Wimbledon is an entirely different style of shooting from what we call practical shooting in America. Imagine a white man in the West lying flat on the ground taking a few sighting shots and then arranging his sights. I am afraid by the time he had done all that the game would be gone, and if in a hostile country his hair also. In conclusion, I will say it is unreasonable for "Kicking" or anyone else to expect Colonel Cody to go to Darnley or any other rifle range and devote the defined time passing for long range shooting. Were he to do so it would simply mean that he would have to close his Wild West Company which, besides being a loss to himself financially, would throw about 250 people out of employment, and also deprive Glasgow of one of the most popular and historical entertainments that has ever visited it, or ever will again do so.—I am, one who signs his name in full.
FRANK E. BUTLER Glasgow, December 1st, 1891.