BUFFALO BILL and his braves have brought the Wild West to the comparitively tame East, and classic Bellgrove in a week or two will echo to the tympanum terrifying whoop of the red skins. I have seen them—Kicking Bear, Short Bull, Lone Bull, No Neck, Coming Grant, [1] White Cloud, [2] High Bear, [3] Johnny Burke, and all the rest of them. They greeted me with a melancholy "How," and together we smoked the calumet of peace. Short Bull is, in my opinion, the noblest Indian of 'em all. He is a diplomatist, and was leader of the "Ghost Dancers," and High Priest during the Messiah craze. Comparatively few months ago he and the other reds were boring large irregular apertures in the pale faces with the coy, sweet-tongued Winchester repeater.
Note 1: Coming Grunt was among the internees at Fort Sheridan, Illinois, who were enlisted by William F. Cody for the 1891-92 tour of Britain and Europe; he was a passenger on S.S. Switzerland, sailing April 1, 1891, from Philadelphia to Antwerp. [back]
Note 2: White Cloud appears on the passenger manifest of S.S. Switzerland, sailing April 1, 1891, from Philadelphia to Antwerp, returning to the United States on the Ancoria in February 1892. [back]
Note 3: High Bear was a Brulé Sioux who performed in London before Queen Victoria in 1887; he also participated in the second British and European tour, sailing on S.S. Eutruria from New York to Liverpool, England, in April 1892, returning from London to Jersey City, NJ, in October 1892 on the S.S. Mohawk. [back]